Sponsorship Opportunities

At CHI, we design our programming with your business initiatives in mind. By creating focused, scientific agendas, we provide you with a progressive venue to reach the industry professionals vital to your company’s success. The opportunities listed below can be taken individually, or combined in countless combinations to maximize your resources and ensure a successful event.

Whether you’re targeting the entire conference, topic-specific communities, or individual, high-level decision-makers, we offer a variety of methods to access our esteemed delegation.

Sponsorship Levels

  • Program (Track) Specific Reception
  • VIP Reception:
  • Literature Distribution
  • Badge Lanyards
  • Conference Tote Bags
  • Conference Notebooks
  • Corporate logo with link on the event website
  • One-time use of delegate list—for one post-show mailing (GDPR compliant)
  • Access to 1-on-1 Networking App—available one week prior to event
  • Corporate logo inside the final conference brochure
  • Up to 5 additional passes can be acquired at our discounted Sponsor rate
  • Co-operative marketing campaign to your clients and prospects. CHI’s Marketing Manager will contact your Marketing Manager, to create a special message announcing your participation and providing a registration discount code

For more information regarding sponsorship availability, please contact:


Ilana Quigley
Sales Director
(+1) 781-972-5457


Katelin Fitzgerald
Sr. Manager, Business Development
(+1) 781-247-1824


Jon Stroup
Lead Business Development Manager
(+1) 781-972-5483


Patty Rose
Vice President, Sales
(+1) 781-972-1349


Pop-up companies may attempt to impersonate us by using our brands, events or logos claiming to sell our attendee lists. Authentic emails will only come from the domains listed below. If you receive a suspicious email about attendee lists or any other offer that is not from these domains, please forward them to us so we may address it directly.

Healthtech.com | CambridgeInnovationInstitute.com | SCOPEsummit.com